Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Body & Soul

Hey SCF, I've got a mind to resurrect this blog. So I'm cross-posting from my personal journal into here. Read and leave your thoughts!

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Wes recently read to me a fascinating excerpt from the book of essays by Wendell Berry that he's reading. I'd heard of Wendell Berry mostly through Greg, who wrote a very long poem of his (entitled "Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front") on a path with chalk to mark the start of National Poetry Month two Aprils ago. I thought it highly amusing to watch people walk up to that point in the path, and then turn around and start reading it while walking backwards beneath the young redwoods.

The rest of Berry's literary and academic work is just as intriguing. He encourages getting away from the greedy insanity of the modernized, over-technologized world, going back to our roots in the wild, staying local, knowing people personally again, sharing wealth and doing nothing for personal gain but everything for the community.