Sunday, September 25, 2011

My priorities?

     I've been sitting in front of my computer after a great Sunday service and an amazing omelette, trying to wake up from a food coma. Then, I started thinking about my weekend, which was filled with the same message that Pastor Dan preached on today. Today's sermon was about Jesus' priorities (Mark 1:35-45). It really hit me today when Pastor Dan asked us, "Where are your priorities?" He also asked himself, "Before I'm a good pastor, am I a good Christian?", which made me question, "Before I'm a good student, am I a good Christian?".
     Couple of times this weekend, I've had to question my priorities. It might not seem like a big deal, but I was torn between an hour of homework and an hour of foot games with specs for Disco Swat. Something pushed me into going, and I'm so glad I did. I've met some great and passionate specs, and one of the specs ended up coming to church with us today.
     This past weekend, I've also been challenged by Cecelia's talk during Large Group. She talked about her time in Haiti after her graduation, which made me wonder how I would respond if God were to call me away from my plans. I've always told myself that since I am not striving for fame or wealth, what I am doing must be for God's glory. But through Cecelia's talk and today's sermon, I've come to realize that just because it is counter-cultural, it doesn't mean that I'm on the road to glorifying God. It could be, but it doesn't automatically make me a good Christian.
     I hope all of us will be challenged, and continue to be challenged, by the question: "Before I'm a good student (teacher/daughter/son/doctor/pastor/etc), am I a good Christian?"

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hey Everybody!

This is Brent;

I just wanted to let y'all know that I have a blog of my own, which I started in high school, about my religious thoughts. It pretty much went dead last year, but I'm hoping to revive it this semester.

Thought I'd share that in case anyone was interested. The blog is:

That's all :D

Whose kingdom is this?

So... I should be doing my seminar reading now, but I wanted to jot this down instead because I'm blogaholic, in a sense.

If you've talked to me at all this past week you've probably heard me whine and moan about a cappella. I won't go into details here, but suffice it to say that I've been upset and cynical about the whole thing, and, especially after Sunday evening, I felt slighted.

But Sunday night, when I was trying to go to sleep, I found that I just couldn't stop thinking about how unfair the whole situation was, and my mind replayed over and over again so many different permutations of l'esprit de l'escalier (all the things you wish you could've said in the moment but only think about after the fact). I was tossing and turning, unhappy, for a good hour and a half before I finally drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, I went for a run and thought that I could get my head cleared of everything. When I run, I listen to music I like and hum along, so I figured that it would block out space in my head. Unfortunately, it wasn't long before thoughts of disappointment, indignation, and spite crept back in. So I ran for forty-five minutes practically seething, and by the end of it I was tired physically, emotionally, and spiritually, too. I was tired spiritually because I realized that I actually hadn't let go of my disappointment. I thought that I had given it up to God, but I wasn't really willing to loosen my grip on the issue.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Prayer Gatherings!

Hey guys,

Just wanted to let you know that PRAYER GATHERINGS will take place every Tuesday at 9pm in SCI 104 (across from Cornell). The reason why I'm using the term "gathering" instead of "meeting" is because I really want these prayer sessions to be restful, restorative, and encouraging rather than yet another meeting in your busy schedule. We'll try to keep these gatherings short (about 45min).

This week in particular, we'll be covering WHY we pray, then follow up with some prayer. We're exploring the idea of having mini-workshops on a different topics surrounding prayer (such as how to concentrate, what prayer is, how to pray, how to listen to God, etc.). We'll also try to incorporate a variety of prayer styles (prayer walks, conversational prayer, liturgy, Common Prayer, intercessory prayer, etc.) throughout the semester. If there's anything you would like to see during a prayer gathering (or if you would like to facilitate one!), please please please let me know! I'd love to hear any ideas, suggestions, or requests you may have (even if you can't physically make it to prayer meetings)! Feel free to leave a comment, email or just come talk to me (Kathryn).

Finally, if there's anything you would like prayer about, please shoot an email to and indicate whether you would like your requests to be read by the prayer team alone or shared with the community at large. Remember that nothing is too big or too small for prayer!

With love,