Friday, November 19, 2010

Patience is a virtue

As we mature as believers, good fruit becomes increasingly evident in our lives...

If 1) balance is the Key to Life, and 2) Jesus came to give us life abundantly, (both of which I know to be true) then 3) as we grow in our walk with God, we should strike that balance in all areas of our abundant life... being able to walk this narrow path skillfully. Since 4) God grants the desires of our hearts, and 5) He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we can ask, 6) I'm excited to see more balance in being self-disciplined and showing love to my loved ones! 7) Anticipation sets the atmosphere for miracles!!!

Patience is a virtue... so while I wait, I LOVE Jesus <3


  1. Agreed! I face this struggle all the time, and sometimes I overwork myself, but then again it always comes back to balance; I think specifically between our study life and spiritual life (or even sabbath and worshiping God). You can do it!

  2. I'm going to be very subversive here (in love!), so apologies in advance: how do you know balance is the key to life? In what sense? Is that scriptural?

  3. @Steven, thanks for the encouragement!

    @Liz, I mean, it was something I learned from my pastor back home. I hadn't thought about looking into the scriptural basis for what he said, and took it at face value. Now that you've asked me where it says this in the Bible, I'll get back to you soon.
