Tuesday, May 25, 2010

God is good

So, y'all know I was talking about my family a lot during camp, and especially about my dad. Well, one of the women there prayed with me about him, for healing and forgiveness and reconciliation, and I came home, and guess what? My sister started talking about my Dad and how he's been treating my youngest siblings (I have three half-sibs, ages 7, 8, and 8) and how different he's being with them than how he was with us when we were that age. Then my Dad called, to wish me a happy birthday, and I talked a little bit about camp, and it went great. He'd invited my full siblings and I to go to France with him and his wife and the littles, and I've decided to accept. His emails have been so gentle and apologetic-sounding that I'm not as worried about it as I was. It's like he's a totally different person, or something. I'd also prayed to God to help me be a better witness to my family, and I get home and my younger sister, who up 'till now has been an avowed atheist, is asking my brother and I more and more about God, and even going to church with me. She told me, "Hearing you and Lee [my brother] talk, it sounds like utter blasphemy to not believe." She's not Christian yet, but hearing that was amazing. God is good.


  1. Oh, glory to God. Rhiannan, that's a blessing to hear. I'm so glad for you :) Way to go God, hearing our prayers! Amen <3

  2. Yeah, amazing, right? And the blessings continue - I went down to Kentucky with my dad and sibs to visit my grandfather, and it went really well. God has totally opened the way.

  3. That is Awesome! I agree with Lauren: Glory to God.
