Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ice Pops

Faiza told me recently that she now associates ice pops with Christianity due to SCF's tradition of handing out ice pops at multiple campus functions, including move-in day, activities fairs, and the housing lottery. I find this amusing. On one hand, SCF doesn't want to only be known as the nice people who give out ice pops, but it isn't necessarily a bad thing to have this reputation, is it?


  1. Nope. Definitely not a bad thing...esp. when it's 90+ degrees out...
    Icepops = love expressed when it's that hot out.

  2. LOL I should have read this earlier. And no, I don't think it's a bad thing. At least they associate us with SOMETHING, now. Nobody used to know we exist. Plus, what better than to have people associating Christians with 'those wonderful people who think to give us ice pops in really hot weather'? LOL I like how Josh put it. 'Love expressed'
